Wednesday, March 29, 2006

This is not a Joke. Mobile bill for this month came up to $580. Jie's going to KILL me. I feel like KILLING myself. That's it. I'm going to starve myself for the whole of next month and no more shopping either. I totally deserve to be shot and ran over. Ok guys, no more calls from me. If i don't see you online, i'll talk to you when i get home. $580, i can buy myself a ticket home already. ARGH!

Things are so not going well. Doing poorly for my tests, assignments don't look too good either. But i haven't been doing anything else besides studying?! I'm just so not cut out to be a student. Like seriously. I always get good evaluation for fieldwork, but i just can't perform in school. How like that?!

I just wanna go home.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

I. AM. SO. TIRED. IT'S. NOT. EVEN. FUNNY. So sorry for the lack of updates, if you even missed me. Been really tied up with school and assignments and attachment and cleaning house and being really really ill. I am really really ill. I don't think i've gotten such a bad cold in a really really long time.

For the past week and a half, i've been coughing and sneezing and having headaches and fatigue spells that just don't go away. It just carries over cause i don't get enough rest. I resolute to sleep in and rest completely well on saturday and not try and be hero and go out and clean house and do all that sort of things i always do. I have so much due this week i don't know where to start. Right now, i just feel like backing out and dropping out of school NOW.

Met up with Susu and Liyana and Yan fen on saturday. They came over for lunch. I cooked and nobody died from food poisoning! YAY! Made this tuna and spinach casserole thing which apparently was really good, so double yay! Haha. Then Liyana drove us down to Subiaco for some shopping. Was feeling too ill to do any damage to i basically just tagged along.

The most fulfilling thing i've done since i got here is probablly fieldwork. I was lucky enough to get attached to the State Child Development Centre for 2 tuesdays. It's a really coveted position cause many of my course mates wanna go into peadeatrics. I'm not one of them i think. But i got the spot, so too bad for the rest! Gosh. Kids are sooooo hard work. Makes me even more sure i don't want any. I can't handle it. They're like sunkist oranges. Bursting with sunshine and energy. I cannot keep up. I'm an old foggy.

What i've been doing is participating in the therapy sessions and help get the kids get invovle too. Then helping them out with their writing. It really is kinda fulfilling, kinda feel really good at the end of the day, but can i do this for the rest of my life? I'm not sure. But i know for sure that i cannot study for the rest of my life. After these 4 years, NO MORE. I cannot take it anymore. I'm sinking like the titanic. I don't remember being this tired in poly. Anyway right, ang moh kids are just soooooooo cute know. The curls in their hair and their eyes so clear and blue like you can see to the back of their heads. Those that come for therapy are all boys, seems like boys are more prone to developmental delays than girls. (Explains alot doesn't it?) There's this pair of twins, Cooper and Decklan and they are so absolutely gorgeous. I felt like stealing them and keeping them as pets, or give them to Nat. So cute know! Really!

Anyway right, i just recently had a Pchychology MCQ test on Monday. I studied for it. I did so badly!!!! My gosh! I feel so loser! Scored agrand total of 28 over 50. Ok, it really was difficult, but still!! Feel so stupid and inadequate. I'm going to do better the next time. ARGH. But then again, i think it's just me. Cause no matter how much i study, i always only get mediocre grades. It's completely not fair. Maybe i have poor exam techniques. Whatever it is, it's BAD!

Ok. This is a really boring entry. But just to let you know that i'm alive and still hoping for colder weather. Miss me k? I miss you all so much. Wish i could go home for easter. Haiz. Back to the old drawing board.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Oh! Lemme illustrate how horrible the customer service is here. I called the cab company today to book a cab for my attachment tomorrow. This it how it went.

Me: Hi, i'll like to make a booking for a pick up tomorrow morning please.

Her: Where would be your pick up address?

Me: Kyle Ave...

Her: So is the driver supposed to drive up and down Kyle Ave till he finds you? Or do you actually have an address? (????!!!!! i haven't finished talking!)

Me: *tells her address*

Her: So where is your flat exactly?

Me: It's by Kent Road.

Her: Is it Kyle or Kent? (Rather pissed off now)

Me: Kyle, it's Curtin University student village.

Her: Oh. Curtin Uni. Which taxi stand? (????!!!! no listening skills know! I told her i wanted him to pick me at my flat at kyle ave right?!)

Me: No. At the student village

Her: *confirms address*

Me: Yeh.

Her: pick up time?

Me: 8.15 in the morning please.

Her: Time pick ups are not confirmed, we'll arrange for the driver to come as close to 8.15 as possible but you'll have to see. (Like what on earth?! You put me through all this agony for what?!)

Me: Alright. Thank you.

Like !@#$%^&*(*&^%$#@!@#$%^&!!!!!!! What is the point of having a booking service if they cannot come at the time you want them to? It's so stupid cause you HAVE to call a cab, you can flag one down. It's so ridiculous. I was so pissed off!!!!!!! These ang mohs. My school fees goes into feeding your economy and i can't even get a cab? She was so rude about it somemore. BAH! I need a car. TMD.

This blog entry is basically for my own amusement. The guys will prolly not get it, you might get quite turned off by it, so read at your own risk. Haha.

Did you know........:

1.The average human body contains enough fat to make 7 bars of soap.

2. People say "Bless you" when you sneeze because when you sneeze, you heart stops for a millisecond.

3. It is physically impossible for pigs to look up to the sky.

4. More people are killed anually by donkeys than die in an air crash.

5. You burn more calories sleeping than you do watching telelvision.

6. 35% of people who use personal ads for dating are already married.

7. Leonardo da Vinci invented scissors.

8. Lemons contain more sugar than strawberries.

9. Boanthropy is a disease in which a person thinks they're an ox.

10. Moquito repellents don't repel. The spray blocks the mosquito sensors so they don't know you're there.

11. In 4000 BC Egypt, men and women wore glitter eye shadow made from crushed shells of beetles.

12. If you put a raisin in a glass of champagne, it will keep floating to the top and then sinking to the bottom.

13. Most people fear public speaking more than death.

14. You can hear the tick of a watch from 6 meters in very quiet conditions.

15. The hummingbird is the only bird that can fly backwards.

16. One quater of the bones in your body are in your feet.

17. No piece of paper can be folded in half more than 7 times.

18. Althaiphobia is the fear of marshmellows.

19. A snail can sleep for 3 years.

20. A full moon always rises at sunset.

Guess where i got this infomation from. You'll never guess. I got it off my pad (yes. sanitary pad). You know the plastic film you hav to peel off to get the sticky part? Yeh. It was on that plastic film. That's how free australians are! They have time to stand around reading the back of their pads! Then right. I bought this long night pad right, cause i don't wanna stain my pristine bed, and it's so super long. My panty is almost not even long enough to put! Confirm won't leak. If i manage to leak arh.... i'll start wearing tampons.

That's all i wanted to say. It's just too amazing larh. Haha.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Really should be studying or doing some work at least. But it's kinda really hot right now, so i've decided to take you on a short tour of my flat.

This is the messiest part of my room, my study desk. Basically, i do alot of other things on my desk besides studying. I use it to put my feet when i'm watching tv, i eat on my desk, i throw everything on my desk. I'm glad it's nice and large. Haha. I aim to use alot more of it for studying purposes in the coming future.

My soft board where i pin stuff for reference. Got pictures of the people closest to my heart on it. I look at it everyday i wish that you guys were here with me. There'salso a picture of my russelly. Makes me happy thinking of all the stupid things he does. Haha. There're also my test dates in which i'm in a hurry to tick off. I hate tests. The card that Ling, Beng and Fenn write for me before i left is up there too. I miss them so much!

Ah haha. This is where i spend most of my time. Doesn't my bed look comfy?? It is. Haha. There's patrick on my bed. He's my sleeping buddy and basically he's my best friend here. I spend the most time with him and he gives me hugs when i'm feeling grumpy. Plus it also helps knowing that there's someone more retarded than me here. Haha.

Moving out of my room. My Kitchen. This is the place i go to take some time off from doing nothing. My flatemates will sit and the dining table there and much on our snacks and complain about Perth. Either that, we'd be making fun of Hayden. This is also where i put the most effort in my stay here. I clean, i wash, i cut, i put things away and i whip up some really good shit in this kitchen. I think there's something about this kitchen, cause i could never whip up anything at home. Linda will be so proud of me. Haha.

This is the reason why Kelley gets so upset with Hayden. He never washes his dishes. He leaves them over the sink and it starts to smell and kelley will scream at him. "Hayden... come here and fuckin clean up your shit. It smells so fuckin bad dude!" Haha. He is a rather dirty and untidy boy.

I had actually taken a photo of my living room and my fridge but somehow it's not loading. So i'll just leave you with these 1st. I got to go sleep or study now. Then i'll have to go cook dinner. Cooking stuffed ravioli with stroganoff sauce. Hopefully it'll turn out alright. My kitchen is somewhat therapeutic. Haha.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Finally finally finally had fun today. I went to the city all by myself on the bus and met up with Sufen! We met at 11.30am and shopped till 5pm. Chatting and ctaching up on the past 5 years. Haha. It really has been awhile for the both of us. We used to be so close. She's looking very good. Lost a good deal of weight. I feel like such a fat ass now. Been munching non stop. It really felt so good being aound someone so familiar. Just going on and on like nothing's changed. Massive damage done today. Abstaining from the shops for the rest of the month at least!

Some pictures. I look really really bad, i don't know why, but yeh well. Since you haven't seen me for awhile, i don't think you'll mind right? Haha.

That's me and Sufen, and the pretty pretty blue sky in perth.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

How many keys are on your keychain?
3. One for my main/back door, one for my room and one for my letter box

What curse word do you use the most?

Do you own an iPod?
Yeh. The 4th generation 20gig Ipod that is crashing on me. Got to send ot for servicing when i get back home.

What time is your alarm clock set for?
Tomorrow, it's set for 10am.

How many suitcases do you own?
Err, 2 hard cases and a soft travel bag.

Do you wear flip-flops even when it’s cold outside?
Yeh. My feet are quite cold tolerant.

Where do you buy your groceries from?: Coles at Karawara, opposite my place.

Would you rather take the picture or be in the picture?
Errr.. take the picture i suppose. I have mood when it comes to being in the picture.

What was the last movie you watched?
Gosh. This is a hard one... Errrrrrr Memoirs of a Geisha? But it was Crash on DVD and Havana Nights too.. Diego Luna is drop dead gorgeous.

Do any of your friends have children?
Yeh... it's getting alittle freaky actually.

If you won the lottery, what’s the first thing you would buy?
Right now? I think a car and a plane ticket home ties.

Has anyone ever called you lazy?
Duh. I'm the laziest shit on earth.

Do you ever take medication to help you fall asleep faster?
Yeh, my flu meds, they knock me out.

What CD is currently in your CD player?
I have no CDs and no CD player here,

Do you prefer regular or chocolate milk?
Chocolate please. I don't like white food.

Has anyone told you a secret this week?
The week has only just begun, but yes. Someone has.

When was the last time someone hit on you?

What did you have for dinner?
Errr.... instant noodles, a cup of yoghurt, a nectarine, 1 tim tam, 1 icing biscuit and some dip crackers. What. I was Fungry.

Do you wear hoodies often?
Winter's not here yet.....

Can you whistle?
Not rewlly.

Have you ever participated in a protest?
I'm too lazy to protest larh.

Who was the last person to call you?
My Jie

What is your favorite ride at an amusement park?
I hate amusement park. Which part exactly is supposed to be amusing?

Do you think people talk about you behind your back?
Yeh. But i don't really care.

What area code are you in right now?

Did you watch cartoons as a child?
YES. I still do. Love cartoons. LOVE.

How big is your local mall?
Which is the local mall here exactly? But either way, it's huge and i LOVE it.

How many siblings do you have?
1 Jie and 1 Mei

Are you shy around the opposite sex?
No. Shy about what?

What is your biggest regret?
Not being a better daughter to my mummy.

Have you ever had Jamba Juice?
No. Yew. Sounds like something Kelly would drink.

When was the last time you laughed so hard your sides hurt?
I don't remeber. But it must have been when Hayden did something really dumb.

What movie do you know every line to?
Errr.... Disney cartoons

Do you own any band t-shirts?
Sec school band tee count?

When was your last plane ride?
A month ago to this land of grass.

How many chairs are at your dining room table?
6... it somehow doesn't seem enough.

What is your favorite salad dressing?
I don't eat salads. Period.

Do you read for fun?
Yeh... magazines, books.

Can you speak any languages other than English?
Adequate Mandarin, and a smuttering of other dialects. Learnt basic French, but have obviously given it back to the teacher.

Do you do your own dishes?
Unfortunately now i have to. I do them with lots of disipline and system ok.

What color is your bedroom painted?
Boring white Almost everything in my room is white. Like nurse.

Have you ever cried in public?
Yes. Not proud of it. Also in like almost every movie i've seen where i'd start bawlling my eyes out.

Do you have a desktop computer or a laptop?

Which do you make: wishes or plans?
Plans mostly, even though they seldom work the way i want them to

Are you always trying to learn new things?
Not really. I have a short attention span, and i don't really strive for excellence. So i'm not very good with new things. I think.

Do you shower on a daily basis?

Are you currently wanting any piercings or tattoos?
Not really. I'm past that phase.

Do you believe that the guy should pay on the first date?
I think he should offer to, but i'd want to go dutch. But if he insists in paying, i have no complaints.

Can you skip rocks?
Nope. But my papa can!

Have you ever been to Jamaica?

What do you like to snack on at the movie theatres?
Chips. and a drink please.

Who was your favorite teacher?
Eh... it think it'll be Dr Chang and Dr Ren

What is the weather like?
It's cool out now. It'll be a really nice night to sleep in. But it'll be hot again tomorrow. Bugger.

Would you ever date someone covered in tattoos?
No. I don't like anything not tasteful.

Do you have an online journal?

What was your favorite class in high school?
Biology and Chemistry

Do you enjoy traveling via airplanes?
I'd choose planes over the other modes of transport, but not particularly.

What personality trait is a must-have in the opposite sex?

Have you ever been attracted to someone physically unattractive?
They always are attractive to me. But i Suppose i have.

When was the last time you slept on the floor?
Not in a long while.

What is your favorite alcoholic drink?
Errrr... Bacardi breezer PEACH. Only Peach

Does your closest Starbucks have a drive-thru?
Hey!! I haven't seen a starbucks here!! COOL!

Do you like your living arrangement?
Yeh i do actually. I love my room, i love my housemates and i kinda like the location.

What is your mother’s hometown?

How many hours of sleep do you need to function?
To function at optimum condition, i need 12. I'm a pig, yes. i know. But just to function generally, i need about 6 at LEAST. I'm VERY sleep dependent.

Do you eat breakfast daily?
I try, but sometimes i'm too late to whip something up.

What was the last thing to scare you?
The weather forecast. 40 degrees celcius is seriously scary larh!

Are your days full and fast-paced?
Are you kidding me?

Did you ever get in trouble for talking in class?
Strangely, no. Weird huh. come to think of it.

What is your favorite fruit?
Durian wins hands down.

Do you pay attention to calories on the back of packages?
No. Are you mad. Have you seen me? I eat what i want when i want.

How old will you be turning on your next birthday?
Good ol 21. Better save up huh!

Are you picky about spelling and grammar?
Not so much spelling, but grammer alittle.

Do you believe in life on other planets?
I don't think about such things.

Have you ever been to Six Flags?
I have no idea where that is

Who was the last person to piss you off? must have been some person from school larh.

Do you believe that God has a gender?
I don't think about such things, God is God.

What was the last thing you ate?
Errr... I believe it was the icing biscuit Elishia offered me.

Do you get along better with the same or opposite sex?
I get along with most people.

What did you dress up as for your first Halloween?
I've never been dressed up for Halloween

How did your parents pick your name?
Err. I don't know leh. But i was born at night. So Maybe they were trying to be ironic?

Do you like mustard?
Only Dijon mustard in the chips.

What do you tell yourself when times get hard?
"i think i need to sleep"

Would you ever sky dive?
NO. Are you INSANE. I like my feet firmly on the ground thanks.

Do you sleep on your side, tummy, or back?
Mostly on my side, sometimes on back. Depends on how loud i'm snoring.

What character from a movie most reminds you of yourself?

Have you ever bid for something on eBay?
No. I don't surf on e Bay

What do you think of Angelina Jolie being pregnant?
I think it's sweet...

Do you enjoy giving hugs?
I enjoy receiving them? Haha. But yeh i do.

Would you consider yourself to be fashionable?
At home yes, here, i'm an old frumpy fart.

Do you own a digital camera?

If someone you had no interest in dating expressed interest in dating you, how would you feel?

What celebrities have you been compared to?
I don't think anyone has ever compared me to a celebrity. hmmm...

Who is your favorite Star Wars character?
I don't like star wars.

Does it annoy you when someone says they'll call but never do?
It used to annoy me BIG TIME. But now, i don't really care.

What books, if any, have made you cry?
Tuesdays with Morrie

Do you think you're attractive?
Please don't ask me this question

What are you allergic to?
Work and studying

Are you a jealous person?
Not really, but sometimes.

What’s your opinion on sex without emotional commitment?
I think it's a common issue in society now. As long as it's a mutual non commitment... and no one's getting hurt

Do you enjoy driving?
NO. I like to be driven, but i feel that it;s becoming a greater need in the society.

Have you ever had the "falling" dream?
Yeh, and i always jolt.

Do you ever feel guilty after eating meat?
I'm a carnivore.

If you were born the opposite sex, what would your name have been?
I don't know. ask my mummy if you see her,

Did you ever celebrate "Pi Day" in school?
Si mi si pi day? Si mi kang tao?

What is the time?
1.10am. BED TIME!

Sunday, March 12, 2006

I am such a lazy shit. Was supposed to wake up to go to church this morning. The only place i go to that isn't school, i chose not to go. Slept late last night cause i was watching dvd with my flatmates, so i couldn't wake up this morning. Horrible right. I know. Truth is, i woke up when my alarm rang, sat up in bed for like 5 mins just blinking. Comtemplating waking up to shower and walk to service, but the weather was sooooo excellent to sleep in, it was COLD. So i gave in and went back to sleep against my better judgement. I'm so disgusting! Whole life complain that i got no where to go, then when i do have a place to go, i don't go. Ah.

It's such a nice day out today. It was yesterday too. Temperature in the mid 20's, with a cool breeze and golden sunshine. But it's back to the 30's tomorrow. It's supposed to be autmn anyway, don't know why it's still so hot. Too bad not going out, got to stay home and do work. Cannot afford to lag behind.

Realised that i forgotten alot of my prior knowledge. I'm doing a module in chemistry next week. It's the basic basic basic stuff, ionic/ covalent bonds, empirical formula, balancing equation and dissosiation that kinda stuff. I can't even remember how to interpret the periodic table! I cannot remember what the rows repesent, what the columns represent. Totally forgotten. Now i have no choice but to spend precious sleep hours reading up on all of it so that i won't appear to be clueless in class. I hate when that happens. I wish i had a tuition teacher.

Alright, i better get down to doing some work before i decide that i wanna take a nap. Do work do work. It's so hard diving into studying again. Taking alot more mind than i had expected. Oh! Anyway... Clique: You know Sufen is here in perth too..? Think i'll meet up with her soon. Miss her lots! Ah haha.

Szeling: Don't be cranky anymore ok? I wish i was back home to try and de-crank you. Don't think about the crash anymore larh, it's new car karma. Really. After this it'll be smooth sailing like my march already. Love ya. Cheer up!

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

I know this is probably just the beginning, but i think the school system here really sucks. It totally cannot be compared to Singapore. It's only after i got here, i realised how much i love Singapore. Everything is so organised and so efficient. I love it. Maybe i'm too highly strung for perth. Maybe it's just the beginning.

Was just grumbling to my housemate this afternoon about the system here. It's just not effective at all. The lectures are so shallow. Even though the lecturers go on and on as though they're trying to catch a bullet train, it's never really very informative. Then they go on to tell you, "for the full material, read your text book". That's just silly right. I mean i could just read my text book, then why the world would i need lecturers? The other thing is, people go for lectures with an open mind, ready to absorb the information and participate in the learning, if you just go on and on about nothingness and tell the students to read the text, then it defeats the point of going for a lecture doesn't it? I don't know if it's just me, but when i do my readings, i don't understand anything cause it's not being covered in the lectures, so i don't really know what i'm supposed to draw from the readings. Then we're expected to do notes for our groupmates. If i don't understand the text, then how am i supposed to make effective notes? That's so ridiculous right? I hope i'm not just dumb and everyone else understands the readings.

Then there are the labs right. There's like totally no structure. Everyone just rolls around aimlessly answering the lab questions. So how does this equate to lab? Lab's are supposed to be hands on. I don't know what i'm paying so much school fees for. Seriously. Then right, for my anatomy lecture notes, it's so totally un condusive. There are just random words overthe page and no link to anything else. How o study from the notes? You can pick out the info from lectures, but when you look back at them, it's so...."huh?" I don't know larh. Maybe i'm too used to the Singaporean way.

Oh. Then right, yesterday was a public holiday, but it doesn't apply to school. We only get National Holidays but not State holidays. Which makes sense larh if not alot of missing classes. Then right, monday is my supermarket day, BUT, the supermarket was CLOSED because it was a public holiday! So were all the food stalls and the newsagent and the bottle shop and EVERYTHING! How to improve the economy like that..?! Zhen shi de.

I think all i ever do is grumble. I can hear beng at the back of my head going, "you're such a loser larh... get over yourself!" Actually, yarh, i think i'm quite a loser. Haha. I sit by myself in a little corner. Like how sad right. Argh. Why did i come back to school? I was perfectly fine working and bumming. Just had to ask for it larh. Ching chong. This is the 2nd week of the next 4 years here. HOORAY!

Pang sai.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

It's really hot out today. It's actually kinda perfect for the beach, but since i have no car and no friends, i shall just stay in my room and have the fan blow at me. That's the funny thing about being here, it's like being the new kid in school. Everyone's got their own cliques and their own friends and it's kinda hard to penetrate into their world. Maybe i just simply don't belong? Or maybe it's just the begining. Finding it really hard to establish friendships here. But then again i am slightly anti social.I don't know. i'm just in a really weird place now.Just wish i were back home with everyone who knows me and loves me. You know?

Not having one of my better days today. Feeling kinda low and under the weather. Maybe it's just being in church where everyone know eveybody else and having such a good time with their friends and it really made me miss my own. I really wanted to call up Ling and Beng and Fenn and ask them out for calamari and kopi. To walk over to Eastpoint and have my nails done. To drive down to Serangoon and dye my hair. To give my russell an osim massage. I wanted to call my clique and go to chomp chomp for supper. I just wanna spend time with the people and things that matter. Right now, i really don't care for this stupid hot weather, don't care for school, don't care for cooking and cleaning. I just wanna muck around with my hommies.

This is becoming a vicious cycle. No friend equates to not wanting to go out. Not going out equates to not meeting new people. Not meeting new people equates to no friend. It goes on and on. I know you'd tell me to just go out anyway. Unlike singapore, if i go out, i cannot come back cause i don't know how. To bother a stranger to send me back just isn't really my thing. I can hear ling at the back of my head going "aiyarh. you arh. Always like that. Then what you want? Of course no friend larh." But i really hate it.

Because of my recent bad mood, i've been having the munchies. Just chewing on something all the time. Think i put back on all the weight i lost. AAAHHHHHHHHH. I don't know larh. Sian. To make everything worse, i dreamt of Big last night. It just shifts my equilibrium. I don't know why! AAAHHHHHHHH. I'm just in a mood. A really bad one.

I look out of the window and i see the green grass and the blue sky and the pretty clouds and the golden sunshine and i know i am so blessed and i should be happy to be here. For this chance so many people would give anything for. I know that this is the day my God has made and i should rejoice in it. Why am i finding it so impossible.

Anyway. Enough of complaining. I shall go and sleep it off. AAAAHHHH! Wish i were atop a mountain and i can yell as loudly as i want. This sucks.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Just some pictures of my housemates. Was taken last sunday. I look like pangsai, but you have to forgive me, i just woke up. Anyway this is who's who...

Boy is specs in black: Hayden (Aussie)
The other Boy: Brad (Aussie, high school friends with Hayden)
Girl in blue at the back: Kelly (American, want to marry an aussie and get a visa)
Girl in green: Sunita (From Singapore, the girl i share the toilet with. She's also doing OT. 4th year)
Girl in black in front: Elishia (Aussie, always out doing something happening. Brought boy back last night and this afternoon. He's cute)
Ugly girl in grey: Dawn dawn.

The other picture is of us at the beach. In which i look ugly too. No excuses for that. I was cold and in a bikini. Says it all. It was a beautiful Sunday. So now you can put a face to whom i talk about.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

The weather was finally nice today. After torturing me by trying to get me sun burnt for the past 2 weeks, the day was sunny with a cool breeze today which really was pleasant. I couldn't help wishing Ling, Beng and Fenn were here to go to the beach with me. The beaches here are so nice. I'm not a fan of beaches, but the beaches here are fabulous. Then Supre is having cheap sale and i wish Nat was here to kio sai with me. Argh. Why'd i have to go to school..?

Kinda regretting going back to school. Somehow it's harder to get into in now. I feel responsible for so many other things now, school and studies seem alittle hard to place. Sounds completely stupid i know. As a student, priority is studies, try being here and telling me that. It really is hard. Have to adjust and strike a balance.

Elishia came into my room to have a girlie chat just now. She met this guy that day and she's having such a huge crush on him, she's glowing. It's so sweet. She just needed to tell someone. Haha. It was so cute. She's going to the pub again tonight with him, i helped her with what she was going to wear and it was nice going the "girlfriends" thing. I miss my girlfriends. Then she was telling me about how much a good boy he was, that he didn't drink much and he'd never had sex... (they're both 18). Uh.. i didn't really know what to say to that. Haha. So i said, "there's a 1st time for everyone". DOH! Haha. Elishia was quite surprised at my lack of a sex life. "what....." Haha. Hmm. *shrugz* Elishia's gorgeous anyway. She'll definately hit it off and get together with the guy soon.

I just spoke to szeling on the phone. I feel better now. =) Alrighty. i think i will go and have a bite to eat. Later!