Things i will miss about perth:
1) The sky- always blue, always with nice fluffy clouds, so vast and never ending, so low like you could touch it on tip-toes.
2) The ocean- the blue, the shimmer of the water, the sound of the waves, the smell of the water, how it seems to touch the sky over the horizon.
3) The weather (except summer)- cool with adequate sunshine.
4) The line of trees along the sides of Mill Point Road- as if they were out of a painitng or a movie.
5) The wide roads- nice to drive on.
6) My house- it speaks so much of me.
7) The smell of the air- it smells fresh, you can smell the wind abd the cold.
8) My friends- they made the 4 years bearable.
The feeling of leaving Perth pretty much for good evokes a different kind of feeling. I feel like i might actually miss it. The irony of it all. I am a walking contradiction.